Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Holden Cafe Exhibition

This piece follows on from the "wallpaper" in the previous exhibition. I liked the layered effect of the tracing paper but thought that if the design was lit it would have a more atmospheric, ethereal quality. It did. I also chose to cut around the images rather than leaving them A3 size. This softened the overall shape of the hanging and combined with the increased movement, gave it an almost ghostly presence. Again I would have preferred to have more of an abundance of photocopies to work with, however time and cost prevented this.
In the future I would like to create a similar design using glass or clear plastic and frosting the image onto each hanging piece.


This is the second piece of work i produced for the half year exhibition. I created it as a replacement for the leaf wallpaper that failed to come together. Personally I feel that this piece was much more successful and has been the starting point for many other ideas and works for the future.
I began by using my strongest wallpaper design as a basis for a wall covering. Initially the plan was to screen print the image onto plain wallpaper and hanging it in the traditional way, however this would not have separated my work from mass produced wallpapers and moves away from what it is i try to achieve in my art work. I then started to layer the image over itself using tracing paper photocopies. This had an entirely different effect, creating depth and distance within, what is essentially a 2D image. Once I applied the photocopies to the wall using pins, they began to stand apart at different levels, obscuring parts of some images while exposing others, as if looking through a rain drenched window. Some of the photocopies came out with dark patches which, at first I wasn't going to use. But after trying them they actually enhanced the depth of the piece. As well as this, I left the bottom of the papers loose which allowed movement as people passed, adding to the atmosphere I intended to create. Had I had more wall space or pehaps an entire room to cover in this way I think the effect would be much greater.

Friday, 4 December 2009

A new way of drawing

I have developed a new style of drawing based on my Anthurium designs for wallpaper. The flower lent itself to being drawn in this way as the leaves and petal are very waxy and smooth as apose to the veiny leaves of roses etc. The style of drawing that I have developed is much more graphic and deffinate than my usual technique. I think it works really well with this particular design and the object I have chosen, however I am not sure I could continue using this technique for my other work as it is quite a slow process and I prefer to work more spontaniously.